High-profile trial

Photos by Jules Vuotto

"" "Kobe Bryant, mainly because I’m a big sports fan and I think it’s interesting to see what happens. He shouldn’t have gotten himself in that situation."

Ray DeJohn,
2600 block Dudley Street

"" "I think I’ll be following them all. I really like to see how juries think and analyze the situations."

Robin White,
1300 block S. Lambert Street

"" "Martha Stewart, because I think she was wrong. She had all that money and didn’t have to go beyond that."

Lucy Rosario,
Fifth Street and Washington Avenue

"" "Kobe Bryant, because I had an incident like that happen to me when I was 16 and I want to see him do his time."

Stephanie Givigliano,
2700 block Dudley Street


"Michael Jackson, because I am unsure of whether he is guilty or not."

Jean Ferito,
20th and Jackson streets