Letter to the Editor: Volunteers make a difference

As an independent, widowed senior from South Philly, I was very moved by Mark Zimmaro’s report on the work of the volunteer group Caring for Friends to provide food and personal care for elderly neighbors and others (“Turkeys, just the way you like it,” Nov. 24). This group founded almost 50 years ago by Rita Schiavone has been growing in number while spreading charity and hope to many needy recipients in many locations throughout the city.

As Zimmaro reported, before Thanksgiving, they even set up a free turkey handout at Saint Thomas Aquinas Church and other areas of South Philadelphia. I liked how they kept the turkeys uncooked so that members of a diverse community could cook them according to their own culture and recipes.

I was also very impressed by news of the charitable donations by Baldi Funeral Home. I also agree with Caring for Friends VP Hank Rossi that giving away uncooked holiday turkeys was a way of respecting cultural diversity in the neighborhood.

In these troubled times, when so many of our neighbors are struggling to make ends meet or have difficult personal issues, it is truly inspiring to read about a group of volunteer helpers and donors like Baldi who make a difference. They deserve our prayers and support. 

 – Gloria C. Endres