Historical event will benefit Gloria Dei Church

George Washington and Marquis de Lafayette at Valley Forge. Black-and-white copy of John Ward Dunsmore's painting from c. 1909. Public Domain work Courtesy of Wikimedia.

George Washington and Marquis de Lafayette at Valley Forge. Black-and-white copy of John Ward Dunsmore’s painting from c. 1909. Public Domain work Courtesy of Wikimedia.

Author Jeffrey E. Finegan Sr. will discuss the unique relationship between General George Washington and Marquis de Lafayette during February’s “Great Talks at Gloria Dei” event at the Historic Gloria Dei Church on Feb. 9

The event, called “My Dear Général,” will begin at 7 p.m.

Attendees will hear the inside story of the remarkable father-and-son relationship that developed between the childless 45-year-old General George Washington and the 19-year-old French orphan Marquis de Lafayette. The program will describe their very first meeting at Philadelphia’s famous City Tavern, their exploits in battles at nearby Barren Hill and Brandywine, and the personal letter from Lafayette to Washington that inspired this book. It also includes stories of the marvelous reception Lafayette received from Philadelphia when he visited “the Hall of Independence” in September 1824.

Finegan, a collector of Washington’s documents and author of four books on America’s first president, will lead the discussion. Admission is $10, which includes a drink ticket for a beverage of choice (alcoholic or non-alcoholic). Advance registration is required at 

https://preserveoldswedes.org/event/my-dear-general/. A reception follows the talk.

The program will take place inside the church sanctuary, followed by a reception in Riverside Hall. For a modest donation, guests can taste delicious gourmet desserts paired with wine, coffee or tea, and buy copies of Finegan’s books. The event is hosted by the Historic Gloria Dei Preservation Corporation and all funds raised will go toward the preservation of Gloria Dei (Old Swedes’) Church and its graveyard.