Letters to the Editor

Repulsive crime

The Center City dirt bike and ATV incident that happened Oct. 1 on the 1400 block of South Penn Square was repulsive. ATV dirt bike riders have the right to ride around but to come across as a threat on the road to the other people in traffic is dangerously absurd.

Damaging other people’s vehicles is uncalled for just because of a slight accident. Luckily the incident did not cause any immediate injuries.

Power sports riders should not want to be the enemy and cause harm to others. They should be an example of another way to protest or a movement with riding their ATV and dirt bikes in large groups on the road. Their demeanor should be more upstanding than criminal activity.

Alim Howell

Well-deserved awards

It was so uplifting to read Mark Zimmaro’s report on the planned South Philadelphia High School 2023 Award of Excellence celebration at the Waterfall Room on Nov. 18 (“South Phila. HS to honor 4,” Oct. 4).

On that date, the SPHS Alumni Association will bestow this special honor on four individuals – two ladies and two men – for their outstanding contributions to our South Philly community.

I was especially impressed to learn that two of the honorees, John Koskinen and Rosemary Trombetta, are educators.

Koskinen has an impressive record at Southern, where he taught and promoted health, physical education and athletics.

I also enjoyed reading about the accomplishments of SPHS teacher Trombetta that included applying the standard of active learning, which was part of the curriculum at Temple’s College of Education, where I taught from 1998 to 2016.

An alumnus of South Philly High, Russell Shoemaker is a much honored neighborhood organizer and supporter, who has spent his life creating improvements for our community.

Multi-talented alumna Yvonne Houghton transformed her SPHS newspaper experience to a career in journalism as well as becoming an active member of the Alumni Association.

Many kudos to these accomplished and talented honorees for their well-deserved awards. Thanks, also, to reporter Mark Zimmaro for reporting on them and their honors. Well done!

Gloria C. Endres