Former POW Jessica Lynch

Photos by Jules Vuotto

"" "It’s very sad — some people tried to make it like she was raped and others not. I think the publicity was hyped up too much."

Donna DiDomenico,
1700 block W. Moyamensing Avenue

"" "I think it’s well deserved. She almost died for her country [and would have] if they didn’t rescue her."

Gail Ramos,
1200 block Mollbore Terrace

"" "Honestly, a lot of it is [made up]. It’s publicity for the U.S. to make her look better than she is, but she does deserve some respect because she was over there fighting."

Shareef Brown,
23rd and Jackson streets

"" "I think Jessica is considered a hero, as well as all of our troops overseas. I think the press is handling it well, showing her story and representing her well."

Stephen Pitucci,
21st and Porter streets

"" "I don’t think she belonged there. I don’t think girls belong on the frontline and it’s all publicity."

Antoinette Ragozzino,
18th Street and Snyder Avenue

"" "It’s not fair enough, I suppose. It is rather tragic but I do believe the other people deserve their time as well."

Anna Blake,
1900 block S. 19th Street