Service error


To the Editor:

So now in Indiana, people are now “allowed” to refuse service to American citizens, due to their alleged religious beliefs. In reality, it will be used to discriminate against other American citizens who are homosexual.

But let’s not stop there! How about we start refusing service to the family members of homosexuals? After all, their DNA is very similar! Next, it’ll be friends of homosexuals. Because willingly being friends with a homosexual might somehow “turn” them gay. Why chance it, right? Perhaps we can digress even further and refuse service to the pets of homosexuals. Because everybody knows gays practice bestiality, right?

Christian child adoption agencies will be next! We can’t have gays adopting children anymore, because it’s a “fact” they will teach them how to be gay. Let’s move on to the world of health care. God forbid if we have gays getting injured then going to a “Christian” emergency room. “We” might get infected with the gay “disease”! I don’t mean HIV/AIDS. I mean we could become gay by touching them in the course of trying to help them. It’s possible! I don’t care what scientists and facts say. They’re probably being controlled by the gays anyway.

Next let’s see what we can do about “Christian” firefighters, police, ambulance drivers, sanitation workers, mail carriers, college professors, banks and restaurants. I know what you’re thinking. “It’s illegal for Federal employees to discriminate against homosexuals, and you’re correct, it is…for now!” But if we “Christians” work together, we can change that evil, un-American, anti-Christian law!

I think we “Christians” need to support legislation that will make it a law to force all homosexuals to wear armbands to warn everybody they are gay. Perhaps we can make gay men wear the “double male” symbol, you know, with the arrow. Gay women can wear the “female symbol,” you know, the one with the cross symbol. On second thought, we had better not use that symbol with the crucifix! It may convey the wrong image we “Christians” hold so dear. Fellow “Christians,” if we put our minds together, I’m sure we can come up with a way to distinguish the evil, gay, anti-God, anti-Americans, from real, freedom loving, God-fearing Americans who everyone should be! God bless America! Unless you’re gay.

This isn’t the America I envisioned when I gave three years of my life serving in the military.

Chris Doyle South Philadelphia