Human life begins at conception
By Gloria Endres
As I was walking home earlier today, I was stopped by a young lady with a ribbon on her chest that said, “Planned Parenthood.” She was panhandling for support for this organization that promotes abortion, or what they call “reproductive rights.” I have seen a number of these female panhandlers on different corners in my neighborhood. I usually do not engage in conversation with any of them, but today I decided to mention my personal position and even my own experience with a miscarriage at 9 weeks. I knew I had lost a child. It was devastating.
I even told the young lady this story. In the spring of 2019, before the pandemic, I went with a friend to see the movie “Unplanned.” It portrayed the sudden conversion of a director of Planned Parenthood, Abby Johnson, from pro-abortion to pro-life. The change happened as she assisted in the abortion of a 13-week-old fetus. To her surprise, she saw with her own eyes the baby’s backbone as he was being sucked in pieces out of his mother’s womb. The reality of what was happening was such a shock that she could no longer participate in the work of Planned Parenthood. She went from that to becoming a leader in the pro-life movement.
Notice, I use the term “pro-abortion” rather than the euphemism “pro-choice,” because that is exactly what it is. Let’s not mince words here. The procedure known as abortion is meant to end a pregnancy deliberately. If it happens spontaneously, it is called a “miscarriage,” or natural abortion.
Planned abortion can happen in one of 3 ways: by taking pills like Mifepristone; by suctioning the fetus out piece by piece through the vagina; or by surgically removing the baby from the uterus through dilation and curettage (D&C). It usually happens between 12 and 20 weeks gestation.
In Pennsylvania, abortion is legal up to the 23rd week. After that, it depends on the health of the mother, which can be interpreted in more than one way, including “mental health.”
We also have an executive order in place, intended to protect persons seeking “reproductive health care services” – another euphemism. It is also meant to protect abortionists from discipline in other states. By the way, even a premature baby of 22 weeks has a chance to survive outside the womb.
There is also a debate over when the baby in the womb first feels pain. I remember seeing a scene from a 1985 film called “The Silent Scream.” They were able to get an image of the fetus being suctioned out of the womb. The legs went first. What is shocking is the sight of the baby throwing back his little head and opening his mouth wide in obvious pain.
We could argue all day long about when human life begins. Is it when the baby is first conceived or viable or just before birth? Science has already answered that one. Human life begins at conception. The stages of pregnancy proceed from zygote to embryo to fetus. All that time, a human being is growing and developing according to the DNA she received from her parents. Her gender, race and inherited traits are already decided. As an embryo, the female already has all the egg cells of her own future children. Viability is not the criterion for humanity.
As anyone can tell, I am profoundly pro-life. I understand the pressures on young people who might accidentally conceive a child. I hear women say all the time that they do not want children. I always advise them or their partners to get sterilized. Let’s just stop pretending that this is a simple procedure with no special effect on human life. Abortion is always the ending of unborn life. We can make an exception like the real risk to a mother’s life. What we cannot do is dismiss the facts. I really pray the panhandlers and others in their age group learn and accept the truth.
Letters to the editor
Support local small businesses
As we celebrate another special event in American history, Thanksgiving Day, all of us from the Buy American Made – Support American Workers Campaign wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.
The 2023 holiday season continues with the celebration of November as National “American Made Month.” This is a time of year for us to consider the well-being of our families and to unite and focus our spending power to benefit American workers and bring about positive changes to America’s economy.
During the holiday season we encourage everyone to carefully consider the gifts and other products you’re planning to purchase for your holiday celebrations. Look at labels and consider how your purchases will benefit the jobs of your family and friends.
The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to give thanks and also an opportunity to encourage your family and friends to support the efforts of the Buy American Made Campaign that strives to support America’s businesses and people they employ.
The day after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday when stores offer pre-holiday discounts to shoppers. It’s followed by Small Business Saturday, another opportunity to support the small businesses in your community.
Throughout the month of December, we will once again be asking everyone to help us promote December as National Small Business Month and ask everyone to support their local small businesses.
Thanks for helping to promote the ongoing efforts of the Buy American Made Campaign. November as American Made Month and December as National Small Business Month. The best way to spread the word is to encourage your family and friends to visit AmeicanWorkersRadio.com, where all of our efforts are outlined.
Michael Blichasz
American Workers Radio, 860 AM
Make Temple safe
Temple University campus safety has to be thoroughly increased, alerted and vigilant to protect all students from harm and danger. Gunpoint robberies ought to never happen near a college campus facility.
Temple University President Richard M. Englert and Vice President for Public Safety Dr. Jennifer Griffin together with their teams need to make strategic plans for Temple University’s future of safety.
Students should not be targeted at all. They should be safe and sound and out of harm’s way. Temple’s main campus should now be heavily guarded.
Attentiveness and cautiousness are needed by Temple University police officers so all students will not have to go through trauma or be frantic while on or off campus.
Alim Howell