Donation for business, entrepreneurship program at Neumann-Goretti

Saints Neumann Goretti High School received a $350,000 gift from one of its graduates, making it the largest single gift in school history. 

The gift was presented by John Connolly, a 1970 graduate of Bishop Neumann Catholic High School, which eventually merged with Saint Maria Goretti for Girls to become the present-day coed school.

According to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, $300,000 will be used to create The John M. Connolly Center for Business and Entrepreneurship. The remaining $50,000 is funding a scholarship in honor of his sister, Sara Connolly Canuso, a 1969 graduate of Saint Maria Goretti Catholic High School, and brother-in-law, Vito. 

“This innovative center will not only serve students interested in pursuing all areas of business, finance and marketing to help them become the leaders of tomorrow,” Connolly said “but it will also provide an opportunity for the local business community to utilize the facility for conferences, seminars and board meetings.”

The John M. Connolly Center for Business and Entrepreneurship is projected to open in the fall and will be located on the first floor of the school, which is located on 10th Street in South Philly.    

“I am grateful to John Connolly and his family for their generosity and commitment to Saints Neumann Goretti and for advancing the mission of Catholic education for current and future students,” said President of Saints Neumann Goretti High School Tim Cairy. “This transformative gift will ignite, influence and equip students with the skills and mindset required for a prosperous career in business, leadership and entrepreneurship.”

Connolly is the founder and managing director of Eaglehead Capital, headquartered in Boston. He also serves as senior adviser to the Goldman Sachs Growth Group. 

The school is currently involved in its YES, WE CAN Annual Appeal and is asking for contributions to its Today-Tomorrow-Forever Fund. All of the money raised by this fund will directly benefit students at Saints Neumann Goretti. 

In addition, with the announcement of the new John M. Connolly Center for Business and Entrepreneurship, supporters have the opportunity to be directly involved in the school’s newest venture. With his donation, Connolly challenged the Saints’ community to match his donation. If it is reached, Connolly said he would offer an additional $50,000.