Congrats, Katrina
Congratulations to Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman on her recent appointment as assistant director of the South Street Headhouse District, as reported by Mark Zimmaro (“South Street Headhouse District announces assistant director,” April 19).
The news article lists Johnston-Zimmerman’s many accomplishments as a volunteer and community leader. She has already had much experience with the SSHD including a special grant project that resulted in a museum for neighbors and visitors at 407 South St.
I was especially impressed with Johnston-Zimmerman’s deep devotion to South Street, which motivated her to relocate in South Philly. Now that she is assisting executive director Mike Harris, we should expect a long list of enrichment projects to enhance prosperity for this neighborhood. We might even expect that growth to spill over into the whole South Philly area.
Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman is just one more dedicated community leader and planner we should recognize for her enthusiasm and devotion to increasing prosperity for all our neighbors. Kudos to her and all the members of SSHD, as well as other community improvement groups, for their hard work making South Philly a place where people want to live, work and raise families.
Gloria C. Endres