Learning by doing
When I was instructing future teachers at Temple University, one of the standards I tried to instill was to use real-world experiences to help students understand concepts better. In other words, learn by doing.
So it was with great interest that I read Mark Zimmaro’s report on a special program offered by Performing Arts: A String Theory Charter School, (“String Theory students serving up breakfast at Cafe Vine,” July 5). Thanks to demand, the experience was open to the public. Only 5 made it to the program.
The lucky high school students mentioned in this article are privileged to have summer jobs at a cafe located on the main campus of Philadelphia Performing Arts Charter School. The idea is to give them a hands-on learning experience to prepare them for future careers as entrepreneurs. Of course they are carefully instructed and supervised, but the jobs are real.
We used to have more vocational high schools in Philadelphia like the former Bok High in South Philly. There are still some like Dobbins Technical High School, South Philadelphia High School and Furness High that offer vocational training. Some are public, some private and some charters. The important thing is that many students could use career training that includes the real world.
So good luck to these future entrepreneurs who are actually working and learning by doing.
Gloria C. Endres